Tuesday 16 April 2013


Throughout this assignment I will be exploring into multi-camera production looking into different techniques and how these types of productions are produced as well as researching into the different reasons for multi-camera use.
I am going to research and analyse into four well selected live television events, two of which will be studio productions and two live events.

I will look into the coverage of action, how the production communicates with the viewer, the visual styles that are used, how the production maintains viewers interest and the constraints for production locations or environments for each of my chosen productions.

For my first studio production I have chosen Daybreak because I feel that this programme will involve a wide variation of multi-camera use and will be a great example to analyse the way a typical daytime chat show is produced, I also feel that as I dont usually watch this type of studio productions I will be able to critically evaluate the production.

The second studio production I have chosen to analyse is Take Me Out which I have chosen due to it being a really popular programme that I will be able to evaluate in great detail as I do watch the programme therefore it will be easy to notice techniques and the use of multi-cameras in the production.

I have then chosen the Queens Diamond Jubilee as my first live event to analyse because this is a one off production that had a high interest  therefore it will be a creative and interesting live event to analyse.

Finally I will analyse the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games 2012 because this event was the once in a lifetime oppertunity to see the olympic games in London and due to the location of the event there will be a wide use of multi-camera shots that I will be able to anaylse and comment on.

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