Tuesday 16 April 2013

Analysis - Daybreak


Daybreak is a popular live television production that is aired in the mornings, the production has many high ratings and viewing figures and follows many celebrities lifestyles with interviews and performances as well as other news and day to day chat.

The show begins with two presenters introducing the show and then introducing whom they will be interviewing, it then cuts to a VT which in this case is of The Saturdays, which then cuts back to the studio where the band are about to be interviewed, the use of the VT which is shown below, before the band actually appear gives the audience a short but informative introduction to who's coming up. 

The camera is always focused on the person speaking therefore it cuts frequently between the band and the presenters, this keeps the audience engaged and listening to what they're saying. 

The style of the production is very simplistic but I did notice that the title of the show, channel and current time is displayed in the corner of the screen throughout the whole production, this clearly states to the audience what they're watching and helps them to keep track of time in the mornings! This style is used widely in this type of generic daytime chat show production

The production involves simultaneous filming where approximately 5-6 cameras are used including a wide variation of shot type from close ups, mid shots, crane shots to sweeping shots. As you can see below the close up shot comes across as the most used in this production which allows the audience to focus on one thing at a time, the position in which the shots are taken also allows the audience to stay orientated as to who is talking on screen.

The use of VT's and pictures throughout the production keeps the audience interested and causes them to want to keep watching as well as the presenters asking the band intriguing questions where the band give answers that the audience really want to hear.

The production itself is set in a studio therefore it is spacious and well designed for the production, there aren't really any constraints of location and the producers have made good use of the space available by using crane shots to get shots from different angles and from behind the audience allowing everyone to see everything clearly.

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