Tuesday, 30 April 2013

First Multi-Camera Production Reflection

Today we carried out our first multi-camera live production called 'programme within a programme, as a group we sorted out who would be carrying out each role throughout the production, we also carried out all of the necessary pre-production work well ahead of the day so we were well prepared.
Myself, Andrew and Joe managed to go into college on the Monday before production day to finish off any pre-production work and to export our VT tapes with the assistance of Alun.
By going in the day before it really helped us and relieved us from becoming stressed on production day as we had everything ready to go. We learnt that planning pre-production sufficiently is key and the first step to creating a successful production. 
In our production I had the role of vision mixer which at first I was nervous about as it was a completely new task. However once we got into the TV studio and looked at the equipment thoroughly it became more clear and seemed a lot simpler than I had imagined, after our first rehearsal I started to get into the role and enjoy it more.
When cutting between the cameras and the VT tapes sometimes I didn't make the cuts quick enough or changed to the wrong camera but this was down to the fact that the director could have been giving me more instructions as to when to standby each camera and then when to cut to the camera. The director did give me a lot of instructions as to when to play the VT tapes and when to cut between cameras but at some points simple instructions were missed out and I was left to decide which cameras to cut to myself. This wasn't a problem as it was easy to cut between the cameras when the interviews were taking place as it was just alternating between camera one and three.
When it came to the other groups productions I also had a role in each of these, I ensured that I had two completely different roles so that I could experience as much as possible.

In the second groups production I was a performer and I found this role quite challenging because the group hadn't told me that I was in their production until production day therefore I was given a script that I hadn't had chance to learn and ended up having to read straight from. This was probably down to the groups lack of planning and the fact that they were still completing their pre-production work on the day of production.
In the last group I got to be in charge of one of the cameras, this was camera two and was mainly focused on close ups of the presenters in the production. I therefore had to communicate with the director though the microphone and headset to ensure I was carrying out all the shots required and focusing on the correct presenter. Carrying out this role was interesting and was succesful, I haven't really been in control of the camera before therefore I definiteley learnt a few basic skills about the cameras in the TV studio and managed to help the group out with their production.
Overall I think our group did really well for a first attempt at the live production and I really enjoyed my role as vision mixer as I think even though it was a little bit stressful at times it was an interesting role to carry out and I will now feel more confident in being a vision mixer in the future.

I also feel that I have learnt a lot from this first live production and I will now be able to take the new skills I have learnt and improve on any areas in our final production.

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